timb@tii.murugappa.com TI Machine Building, Poochiathipedu Village and Post, Tiruvallur

Enabling Ideas Into Reality

We are glad to share that TI MACHINE BUILDING (M/s TII, Murugappa Group) participated in IMTEX Forming 2020 for the first time accompanying with TIDC India & Shanthi Gears scheduled from 23rd to 28th January 2020 at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC).

IMTEX Forming 2020 we promoted our new products in the category of METAL FORMING MACHINES, VISION INSPECTION SYSTEM & ROBOT AUTOMATION SOLUTION amongst other things developed by TIMB in Hall-2A @ Stall D-103.We got good numbers of enquiry and customer response.

IMTEX FORMING will be a significant exhibition for South East Asia with the presence of leading national and international manufacturing firms from the metal forming sector. IMTEX FORMING is expected to be a greatly expanded fair which would feature all aspects of forming technologies, predominantly sheet metal forming. This exclusive business-to-business event will attract Indian and foreign exhibitors who would offer a range of technologically innovative manufacturing and engineering products and applications. Indian manufacturing sector surging and generating ample business opportunities for machine tool builders, we thought that IMTEX FORMING will be a great platform to participate and connect with manufacturing industries.

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