timb@tii.murugappa.com TI Machine Building, Poochiathipedu Village and Post, Tiruvallur

Tube Straightening Machine

Straightening Machine

  • Combined straightening modes bending & crushing.
  • Digital readout for roll position resulting in reduced setting time.
Tube diameter range: 20 mm to 101 mm Tube thickness range: 1 mm to 5 mm
  • TIMB has produced 10 straightening machines till inception each machine is uniquely done with continuous improvement to meet the customer need.
  • The roll profiles are uniquely designed to meet the stringent straightening tolerance of 0.5mm in 1000mm length, subject to incoming to tube Straightness
  • The main structure which is carrying the straightening loads are designed for minimum deflection and design validation carried out using finite element analysis.
  • The machines are built with automatic configuration for setting the linear and angular position.
  • The larger machines are built with hydraulic clamping systems to maintain the roll position precisely throughout the straightening process
  • The inlet and exit handling systems are designed to minimize the noise and surface defects on the product.
  • TIMB has produced 10 straightening machines till inception each machine is uniquely done with continuous improvement to meet the customer need.
  • The roll profiles are uniquely designed to meet the stringent straightening tolerance of 0.5mm in 1000mm length, subject to incoming to tube Straightness
  • The main structure which is carrying the straightening loads are designed for minimum deflection and design validation carried out using finite element analysis.
  • The machines are built with automatic configuration for setting the linear and angular position.
  • The larger machines are built with hydraulic clamping systems to maintain the roll position precisely throughout the straightening process
  • The inlet and exit handling systems are designed to minimize the noise and surface defects on the product.